Creating and managing your DOIs

DOIs work principles


A DOI name consists of a prefix and a suffix separated by a forward slash (e.g. 10.1234/56789). Each organisation is assigned its own unique prefix, and decides its own suffix format. The most important property of a DOI suffix is that it should be unique within the given prefix space. The DataCite system will reject any attempt to mint duplicate DOIs. Please consider the following points when creating your suffixes:

  • We suggest that the optimum length is 8-10 characters. This is long enough to ensure uniqueness, but short enough to avoid any typing or text wrapping errors. The system will not accept DOIs longer than 255 characters
  • DOIs are not case sensitive (10.1234/WXYZ and 10.1234/wxyz are the same DOI)
  • We strongly recommend that only the following characters are used within a DOI name: “0–9”, “a–z”, and “-._/”. Although the DOI name itself can accommodate a wider range of characters, some require encoding so that the DOI works correctly when used in URL form. If you need to use additional characters, please follow the recommendations on encoding provided by the International DOI Foundation (IDF).

Creating and managing your DOIs

Technical Information

RADS is responsible for the maintenance, preservation and access to datasets.

Metadata schema

This list contains a list of the metadata properties necessary for the precise identification of data for citation purposes along with user instructions and examples.
Mandatory metadata are:

  • DOI – When combined, the DOI prefix and suffix must uniquely identify the resource.
  • URL – The URL for the landing page of the resource.
  • Title – A name or title by which a resource is known.
  • Creators – The main researchers involved in producing the data, or the authors of the publication, in priority order.
  • Publisher – The entity that holds, archives, publishes, prints, distributes, releases, issues, or produces the resource. This metadata element will be used to formulate the citation, so consider the prominence of the role.
  • Publication Year – The year when the data was or will be made publicly available.

Preparing xml files for registration

If your organization uses one of the following journal hosting platforms: PKP OJS or Dspace, you can transfer datasets to our server.

If your organization does not use these systems, you can work through the program Hephaestus developed RADS. The process of marking metadata in Hephaestus is similar to the one in Russian Science Index, the output is a file with the metadata for the DOI registration, which is also automatically sent for registration. Hephaestus is also able to generate xml for Russian Science Index, DOAJ, PubMed, Math-Net, Chemical Abstracts and GeoRef.